A new connection-Blue Iris

Blue iris

Back 2 Body is partnering with Blue Iris to bring some exciting and innovative new services.

We offer a range of treatments and services aimed at supporting and increasing the potential of conception and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.  

Conception (n.)
The action of conceiving a child
The forming or devising of a plan or idea

Connection (n.)
A relationship in which a person, thing or idea is linked or associated with another 

Our mission is both simple and profound

Raising the energy and connection within our individual selves to create the most optimal and sacred place for conception of new life and new perspectives.

Your energy is your life force. Your energy takes many forms that work in concert, from the electrical and electrochemical energy that science knows how to measure to more subtle forces that carry complex information and give form to physical structures, providing the invisible blueprint of the human body, your energy is the millions of automatic processes that your body carries out everyday.

In practical terms, your energy gives you the strength and vitality you need to live a fulfilling life. It is the foundation of your vibrancy, power, spirit, liveliness, resilience, and natural joy. 


  • 40-minute Sessions – $77
  • 60-minute Sessions – $99


• Improves blood circulation to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus
• Reduces inflammation and releases adhesions that could impede conception
• Eases emotional tension and calms stress related conditions by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system
• Best received between menstruation and ovulation


• Focuses on clearing out cellular debris and toxins that have accumulated in the
extracellular matrix (ECM), a filter system that sits between blood vessels, nerves and cells.
• Promotes lymphatic drainage
• Relieves lymphatic blockage and stagnation
• Increases blood flow and circulation to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus


(benefits both men and women)

• Cleanses, clears, aligns and balances the subtle energy centers and meridians in the body and mind
• Relieves anxiety and removes blocked energy that can impede conception
• Supports balanced hormones and sperm production